Machine Gun Jack.
This headcover actually comes from a photocopy of a real newspaper headline that was published on August 27th, 1933.
"Police Arrest Public Enemy Teeing Off in Western Open"
The 1933 Western Open was played at Olympia Fields course #4. At the time OFCC had four courses. The guy who was arrested (Machine Gun Jack) was one of Al Capone’s right-hand guys in the Outfits. Since Capone was in jail, this guy Jack McGurn was focused on his golf game. He was even part owner of Evergreen CC. He entered the Western Open under a different name, Vincent Gapardo but it wasn’t until after the first round that a Chicago detective and others knew it was actually Vincent Gebardi aka Machine Gun Jack McGurn. Jack McGurn was famously known to have planned the 1929 St. Valentines Day Massacre. Although, he was never brought to trial for that case because of a solid alibi story. During the second round of the Western Open, five policemen found Jack on the 7th green. They followed him the entire round and arrested him when he finished up on the 18th green. He was arrested for vagrancy. The law back then stated that if you were related to a crime then you had to show legitimate proof of income. Which was later deemed unconstitutional by the IL Supreme Court and McGurn was let free.